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"I have spent a lot of money on clothes, but today I can't find anything to wear. Today nothing suits me."

And you?

How many times have you opened the closet, and despite having it full of clothes, have you thought that you have nothing to wear?

Don't worry, it usually happens to all of us. With a good method, we can avoid this type of situation.

Stay with me to discover how easy it is to achieve emotional harmony with just one look at the perfect wardrobe.


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Tips to organize your clothes in the closet

1.- Use circular containers to store scarves, handkerchiefs or belts. More options: Put the scarves on hooks with colored threads.

2.- Roll up the shirts or place them vertically inside the drawer

3. Use an extension rod

4. Hang the jeans on curtain hooks

5. Put underwear in boxes

6. Integrate a trouser rack into your shelf.

There are organization patterns such as placing the garments by type (shirts with shirts, pants with pants); seasonally or by dress code (the most informal clothing together, sports clothing, work clothing, etc.). The important thing is that the order makes it easier for you to find the garment you are looking for at all times.



The Marie Kondo method

Protagonist of the Netflix reality show, To order with Marie Kondo! and author of the acclaimed book The Magic of Order.

Keys to the KonMari method

Empty your closet and group all the clothes you have. Start with the largest or home clothes, follow the ones you wear every day and leave underwear, shoes and accessories (bags, jewelery and beads, handkerchiefs ...) for last. , which is what usually costs more time.

Get rid of the one you are not going to use.

Group by color . Get a relaxing visual effect, following a color gradient (start with white and finish with darker colored garments).

Fold the clothes in three folds. The clothes hanging in the closet, arrange them according to their color and lightness. The heaviest and dark on the left, and the lighter and lighter on the right.

Store the clothes and accessories you use the most in easy-to-find places and leave what you don't usually use in the less accessible places.

Use multipurpose hangers, hooks and hangers (you can create your own multipurpose hanger by adding some shower curtain rings, for example, to the hanging rod of a regular hanger).

Take advantage of every millimeter of your wardrobe (for example: put the bags one inside the other; put the bed sheets or seasonal clothes in the suitcases that you no longer use).

Try one day in advance what to wear in the following days. Prevent a mountain of clothes from appearing in your bedroom by putting a clothes hanger  in the corner.

If you keep the shoes in boxes, take a photo of each pair of shoes (or if you prefer, a drawing) and stick it on the outside of the box where you keep them; so it will not cost you anything to locate them.

Do not leave for tomorrow what you start today, this task should not take you more than a day to do it.


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