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1. f. Body posture, especially when expressing a state of mind. The attitudes of a speaker.

2. f. Disposition of mind manifested in some way (Rae)


From lat. * actitūdo.

Dress with attitude



Duchenne's smile

French researcher Guillaume Duchenne noticed that a genuine smile is one that involves the zygomaticus major and minor muscles near the mouth and orbicularis oculi. Thus the spontaneous smile was baptized as the Duchenne smile. In this case, the orbicular muscles are responsible for stretching the cheeks and wrinkling the eyes through their contraction.

Mujer hermosa


"You are never fully dressed without a smile."

I have read once that there are 180 kinds of smiles and only one laugh is authentic: when we laugh out loud. Our cerebral cortex releases electrical impulses that block the passage of negative thoughts just a second after we start laughing.

Laughter fights insomnia, relieves pain, helps us against cardiovascular problems, reduces stress, improves the skin, prevents contractures and clears the nose and ears.


"It takes forty muscles to wrinkle a forehead, but only fifteen to smile ."


From the movie: THE BOY OF YOUR LIFE

“- You have six smiles , you know? One when something makes you laugh really , another when you laugh only courtesy , the third, when you feel uncomfortable, another when you laugh at yourself, the fifth is when something strikes you, and the sixth when you talk about your friends .
- How many did he say?
- I don't know, about fifty. "


“There are people who have perpetual, false, sewn, thread smiles , like those on stuffed animals. Teddy smiles . "

Miguel Campion


Active listening


We live in a hyper-connected and hyper-stimulated world.

Being in the here and now, focused on listening carefully to our interlocutor, is not an easy task. In our minds, a scenario of ideas, responses and value judgments is created, which make us lose our minds and pay more attention to our inner voice, while the other communicates with us.

Mujer mayor bailando


Doing what we want at all times is quite risky. We have to live with the opinions of others, and following our impulses scares us. We are afraid of making a fool of ourselves. There is an effective solution to combat the ready-made attitude: if you know who you are, you will know that what others think of you does not change your reality. Be yourself because your naturalness is your stamp of authenticity.

Modelo con los ojos ahumados


The pupil dictionary

Did you know that the pupils dilate if we are in front of an object that we like? For this reason, the dilation of the pupil is considered a sign of taste and attraction. Obviously, they also get bigger if the light is poor or we have difficulty seeing something.

They say the eyes are the mirror of the soul

Knowing how to look into the eyes and avoid the "oscillating spectator syndrome" is an essential communication tool to understand and know others with criteria.



Carol Ryff defines it as the positive attitude towards oneself, accepting the positive and negative aspects of our being. When its level is optimal, always positively valuing our past, since this is a source of learning.


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